- Echinacea paradox – one of the parents of the modern “hot” coloured hybrids Thalictrum ichangense – amazing foliage. Flrs. April to Nov. 30cm
- Eryngium alpinum ‘Superbum – soft “prickles” , blue flrs. – not easy to establish Eyyngium ‘Pen Blue’ – 60cm, intense blue flrs.
- Acanthus spinosus ‘Ferguson’s Form’ – less invasive, shorter and mildew free, 65cm
- Choisya ‘White Dazzler’ – C. ternata X C arizonica. 70cm, v. hardy, scented flrs. Flrs in spring & aut.
- Anisodontea ‘El Royo’ – 1-2m, flrs nearly all year, more in cooler months. Pink mallow flrs.
- Erodium ‘Spanish Eyes’- flrs. all summer. Veined dusky pink flrs.,
- Dianthus ‘Memories’ – better than ‘Mrs Sinkins’. No split calyx, white strongly scented flrs.
- Epimedium ‘Amber Queen’ – flrs. Oct. to May. Orange./yellow flrs. held above foliage
- Epimedium ‘Akebono’ – white flrs. March to May. Deciduous, new foliage red/orange
- Epimedium ‘Spine Tingler’ – long elegant foliage. Pale yellow flrs. March to May. 40cm.
- Carex x oshimensis ‘Evergold’, ‘Everillo’, ‘Everoro’, ‘Everest’ – all good evergreens for shade
- Dahlia ‘Karma Choc’ – dark foliage and black/red decorative style flowers.
- Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ – golden leaves and p[ink flowers – YUK!! (Mary)
- Dicentra spectablis ‘Valentine’ – green leaves and red flowers
- Leucanthemum ‘Shapcott Summer Clouds’ – improved Shasta Daisies – bomb proof!
- Linaria ‘Peachy’ – near sterile hybrid – ? L. purpurea X L. dalmatica. Apricot flrs
- Euphorbia hypericifolia ‘Diamond Frost’ & ‘Diamond Star’ – half hardy, white small flowers
- Euphorbia stygiana similar to E. mellifera but lower growing, good coloured foliage
- Ligustrum ‘Lemon and Lime’ – yellow foliage, small leaves
- Ficus ‘Ice Crystal’ (Fig) – more cut leaved type, yellow aut. Foliage, sweet fruits
- Salvia ‘Amistad’ – nearly hardy, dark blue spires
- Heuchera ‘Blondie’ – stubby yellow flowers over red mottled foliage
- Heuchera ‘Pink Pearls’ – orangy pink foliage and pink flowers – lots of lowers
- Hydrangea ‘Zebra – white lacecap style flrs on black stems. Flrs on old and new growth.
- Hydrangea ‘You and Me Together’, ‘Love You Kiss’ –also flr. on new wood, dble. flrs, mophead style
- Persicaria amplixicaulis ‘Blackfield’ – blood red flr. Spikes to 70cms. July to Oct.
- Ribes sanguineum ‘Koja’ – dwarfer form with good red flrs.
- Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Summer Sunset’ – foliage red/yellow green shades, evergreen, slow
- Helleborus ‘Winter Moonbeam’ – mottled foliage, white fading pink flrs.
- Verbena officinalis ‘Bampton’ – violet flrs and purple foliage, 70cm
- Astrantia ‘Ruby Star’ – better than ‘Ruby Wedding’ and ‘Hadspen Blood’
Likely to be good garden plants – longer testing needed
- Eryngium ‘Synehurst’
- Agapanthus ‘Windelbrook’
- Camassia ‘Lady Eve Price’
- Arum italicum ‘Monksilver’
- Helleborus ‘Marshmallow’
- Sedum tartarinowii
- Coronilla ‘Brookhill Blue’
- Coronilla ‘Lauren Stevenson’
Buyer beware – may live up to the label!!!
- Tibouchina ‘Groovy BAbay’
- Heracleum stevenii
- Verbascum ‘Blue Lagoon’
- Roscoea ‘Royal Purple’
- Delphinium ‘Highlander Series’