Lecture by Andrew Cannell

Monday, 20 September 2021 at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

American Garden meets English Landscape with Andrew Cannell, Head Gardener at the American Museum & Gardens

A lecture to be held in the Methodist Hall, Nailsea commencing at 8.00 PM

Wisley-trained Andrew joined the American Museum & Gardens in early 2015.  This followed three years as Senior Gardener at Woolbeding Gardens in West Sussex.  Andrew is a hands-on gardener interested in creating beautiful garden spaces where people can connect with plants and nature.  He is inspired by grasslands and meadows, dunes and mountains; landscapes that are paired-back, elemental and afford panoramic views.

In 2018 the American Museum & Gardens completely remodelled its grounds offering its visitors unique insights into American horticulture and landscape design.  Visitors can walk in the footsteps of George Washington in his updated and revamped Upper Garden which is now a more authentic representation of his 1799 colonial garden.  They can also enjoy something contemporary in the New American Garden, designed by award-winning American landscape architects Oehme, Van Sweden, famous for their bold swathes of grasses and perennials that distil the grandeur of American meadows.

In this talk Andrew tells the story of how these two projects came to be and of how they sit within a tranquil and quintessentially English setting.